
The LA Fires and the Death of the Liberal Class

How the Democratic Party Has Abandoned Its Roots--Cities Burn at Home While Our Bombs Destroy Cities Abroad

At the core of the collapse of Liberalism as a counterpoint to oligarchy and warmongering is a decades long War on Consciousness.

One key weapon in that war is control of information, which Google plays a major role in. See this: https://bumblebuddhist.com/google-fails-badly/

More discussion on the LA fires:

George Galloway noted the irony in the US sending billions of dollars to Israel, which has used it to flatten Gaza. And meanwhile, the Los Angeles Fire Department was deprived of funding, many firefighters were let go, and fire safety infrastructure, including a reservoir of emergency water supply which was never filled.

It is further ironic that many of the people who lost their house voted unwittingly for the very policies that resulted in their house burning down. Support for Israel’s and Ukraine’s wars against their own people has seen their own lives damaged. The Law of Karma at work.

In addition, only a few people besides me have noted that California’s long decline, as seen by rising homelessness, is now hitting even the wealthier classes, whose house have burned down. Even fire insurance became unavailable before the fire.