I listened to your talk just now while washing the dishes, having never heard any of your podcasts before. It was, I think, an hour well spent. Although most of what you say here is not new to me, you put things together in a coherent and persuasive way. I suppose one of the questions that the talk raises for me is: What is it in the DNA of the West that drives this imperialism? Is it the legacy of Rome? Or is it, as you suggest with your reference to Lenin, simply the natural outworking of an economic system in which money supplants all other human values?

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Thanks for your comment, Peter. To respond to your question, which I have also asked myself, the roots of it go deep into the ways of thinking, even neurological wiring, so to speak. I have addressed this in my article which you may find useful.


Not sure if the link works. You can copy and paste to your browser.

"All we are is a result of what we have thought"

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Eric Arnow ,Excellent and very informative .

Thank you very much.


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Yes, sir.

Please tell us why Finland was part of the czarist empire, given that Finnish (together with Hungarian, reportedly) is a very special language. Please tell us the story on Karelia (”The Finnish Bolshevik” wasn't very clear on that.)

Then tell us, please, how did Rep. of Moldova enter the czarist empire in 1812, on the occasion of Napoleon's visit/departure (and with grudging acquiescence - presumably - from the ... Ottoman Empire!). Do you tell your viewers that (if they looked up the maps, they could see!) the western neighbor of Rep. of Moldova is ... again Moldova ?


Tell us, please, whether USSR dissatisfaction with how Moldova left their world in March 1918 was very similar to their dissatisfaction over Karelia, resulting in an ultimatum on June 28, 1940 (and possibly to the Soviet-Finnish war before the German invasion). Yes, the March 1918 decision of the Parliament in Kishinev might have been problematic - things are seemingly quite complicated. We don't know, we were never told the details.

You should tell the reasons/excuses on all sides ... We were not given the details before 1989, for obvious reasons. We still don't know!

Thank you.


I wrote the above while listening to you. You are one of the extremely rare cases where the state of School (FOR THE MASSES) is mentioned (but without a clearly stated reason). But there should be a deep analysis of that: the situation is a staple of Democracy, it's not in just one country (and the situation is not just bad, it is catastrophic). USSR had just a normal (for a socialist country) school for the masses. I was trying to point this out some 15 years ago, including to Subhuti2, on Rob Kall's OpEd News, without any success ...

I don't even know if this comment could be posted here (on C.L. Hedges' substack one needs to pay in order to comment).


I doubt Zhukov did anything in the '90s - the Marshall had died 10-25 years earlier ... I don't think there was any other public figure by this name, on the international stage. However, this is a minor detail, I (at least) regard your work as significant (given the school disaster in Democracy).


Last - not least - you could tell us about the ... ”Moldavian language” (who discovered/invented it etc.). So people could understand that things are deeper than they seem. We were told in school about a great westward migration of the Slavic people between 6th to 9th centuries; perhaps they were a majority in today's Rep. of Moldova by 1812 - we were not told! But today the free media says the Slavs were there ”from the beginning” - all the way to Germany ? Did we force the ”Moldavian language” on the Slavs ? (Stalin's enemies claim the ”Moldavian language” was declared back then to be a Slavic language ... Who can tell who is/was lying ?)

And I haven't mentioned yet the autonomous Gagauz region (republic ?) , because the Turks also left their mark on the region! So reasons for trouble are aplenty.

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