Here are some resources that a Russian friend sent me:
This article provides a fairly detailed history of the creation of the German atomic bomb.
I quickly found these articles on German-American negotiations for you.
Krakow was really saved from the explosion by 2 Russian reconnaissance groups. See this documentary Save Krakow and a 3-part movie Major Whirlwind. It is about saving Krakow
Here is a US source about Dulles and the German General Wolff
“The equation was, however, very simple at the time: the United States had just defeated the Nazis with the help of the Soviets. They henceforth planned to defeat the Soviets with the help of former Nazis.”
A final note: One reviewer made the interesting observation that the personality of Stirlitz is similar to Vladimir Putin, quiet, articulate, determined, unemotional, and totally dedicated to his country.
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