The Tragedy of Ukraine: Seduced, Used, Abused, and Abandoned.
October 21, 2024 by Eric Arnow
Table of Contents
How the West Seduced, Used, Abused and Abandoned Ukraine
The situation in Ukraine first came to my attention in late 2013. As I noted in previous posts, a website maintained by Andre Raefsky an ethnic Russian who grew up in the West, The Saker, noted social turmoil in Ukraine. Things went from bad to worse, with a recorded phone call surfacing of US State Department official, Victoria Nuland, caught planning whom she wanted to replace the democratically elected President Victor Yanukovych.
She was caught on camera bragging about spending $5 billion to ‘promote democracy’ in Ukraine, by empowering far right extremist groups like Pravy Sector, who had a habit of saluting Sieg Heil, Nazi style. Following a violent incident where about 100 people were shot, for which the government was blamed, Nuland followed through with the coup by violating a cease fire agreement.
Those Ukrainians who spoke Russian and favored good relations with Russia were kicked out of office, various journalists were killed, a massacre of protesters against the coup occurred in the city of Odessa, and the Ukraine army attacked those in the Donbass, Eastern Ukraine.
The Failed Minsk Agreements
The first sign of trouble for the US sponsored coup was the locally executed referendum by the ethnic Russian Crimea, which saw Crimea returning to Russia by an overwhelming vote. I spoke with a husband and wife organizer in 2015, who confirmed its legitimacy.
I also met a couple whose house had been bombed and destroyed in the Donbass city of Donetsk. With strong resistance from Donbass people, and the Ukrainian army facing catastrophic defeat, Germany’s leader, Angela Merkel, begged Putin to prevent the crushing of the Ukrainian army, and the Minsk Agreements were signed.
Eight years later, as a heavily rearmed Ukrainian army threatened to overrun the Donbass, and with the Ukrainian President threatening to gain nuclear weapons, Russia preempted the attack.
The Results of Attrition Warfare
In retrospect, President Putin was criticized for not acting more forcefully to intervene to prevent the coup in 2014. However, it may be that he used the 8 years between 2014 and 2022 to rebuild Russia’s military industrial complex, and sanction-proof Russia’s economy.
So here we are in October, 2024, the Ukraine army, despite massive arms deliveries and diplomatic support from the EU, UK and the US, appears to be near collapse. Three main assumptions by the West have been shattered:
The world would not notice that fascist/Nazi influence on the Ukrainian political sphere
Russia’s economy would collapse under sanctions and the theft of $300 billion in assets held by Western banks
Russia is weak, would run out of weapons and would be forced to reach accomodation that threatened the Putin adminstration and the existence of Russia itself
All three have gone against the Wests’ predictions, and now, with Nato’s own weapons running low and its economies sinking due to self inflicted harm by refusing cheap Russian energy, we’re seeing several pivotal developments.
Hungary Not supporting Zelenski’s Victory Plan—official-1120588553.html
Zelenski says Ukraine has no choice—either join Nato or develop a nuclear deterrent..However…
“He knows his armies are suffering a disastrous defeat and that in a matter of a few months all of Ukraine east of the Dnepr will be in Russian hands,” he elaborates. “His only way to stay in power and to salvage something of Ukraine is to bring NATO into the battle at his side right now. Immediate admittance of Ukraine into NATO, his point one of his 5-point plan, would immediately make NATO a co-belligerent and widen the war to a NATO-Russia war.”
“Zelensky feels the noose tightening around his neck and is doing everything imaginable to foment a NATO war and hope to save his life if not his political power,” Doctorow concludes.
Ukraine joining Nato would mean putting nukes 10 minutes from Moscow…and a WWIII. Russia would no more allow that than JFK would have allowed Cuba to keep Soviet missiles so close to the shores of the USA
Ukraine creating its own nuke would entail Russia preemptive full on war, a major escalation beyond the SMO
Ukraine was only a pawn—or a cheap prostitute who became too expensive to support. Before Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, active duty soldier and former Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said
“They actually want Russia to invade Ukraine. Why would they? Because it gives the Biden administration a clear excuse to levy draconian sanctions… against Russia and the Russian people and number two, it cements this cold war in place. The military industrial complex is the one who benefits from this. They clearly control the Biden administration. Warmongers on both sides in Washington who have been drumming up these tensions. If they get Russia to invade Ukraine it locks in this new cold war, the military industrial complex starts to make a ton more money …. Who pays the price? The American people … the Ukrainian people … the Russian people pay the price. It undermines our own national security but the military industrial complex which controls so many of our elected officials wins and they run to the bank.”
Ukraine should know: this is what Maidan stood for! The country was ruined, thousands of citizens were shot down, Russia was labelled as the “aggressor”, the time now comes for Ukraine to make regular its supply of prostitutes for Europe, or “workers of the sex business”– as the carriers of European values teach.
The United States pulling out of the Ramstein shows the US is abandoning Ukraine.
Even worse, Biden showed up to win Germany’s highest award—after trashing Germany’s economy–and then promptly left. And the German people put up with this! The US has promised Ukraine a $20 billion loan (which will never be repaid), and that will probably be Ukraine’s last handout from the USA
My Conclusion
The British referred to their 19th Century machinations in Eurasia as ‘The Great Game’. And Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote his book in the late 1990’s, The Grand Chessboard, where he talked about splitting Ukraine off from Russia with the ultimate goal of bringing down Russia. After his initial naivete about Western intentions, it seems that Putin played his hand well, letting the West think he was the same old Russian Liberal, who allowed the USSR to deteriorate and fall.
But in fact, he completely rebuilt Russia’s military potential, and now the Collective West is in panic mode wondering how to deal with a resurgent Russia. If The Collective West loses this war, it will be humiliating but not fatal. At least for the moment. However, for Russia, it has correctly recognized the threat….as has China with the West’s use of Taiwan.
For the world outside of the West, with its history of colonialism, imperialism, genocide, slavery and all the rest, this struggle is existential. It can’t afford to lose. For all its bluster, America will walk away rather than risk nuclear war. leaving Ukraine, the ‘Borderland’, in the ditch.
And the dupes and losers will be the people of Ukraine, who fell for American propaganda, bribes and lies. They will watch as their country is destroyed.
Please consider spreading awareness of our own existential crisis in the West with my Conversation Starter Items
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