I apologize in advance. The sound quality on this is rather soft. But I pull a few strands together that I hope will help explain the actual diagnosis of US affairs in Ukraine and Palestine/Israel.
We are seeing contradictory messages coming from the Trump administration. On the one hand, it demanded a ceasefire in Gaza, but then threatened to break the agreement it engineered. Trump says he wants the war in Ukraine to end, but forgets that he was the one who armed the Ukraine military and funded its war on Russian speakers. Is he sincere? Time will tell, but bear in mind that throughout the period post WWII, US policy has lurched from ‘peace and detente’, to crush ‘the Evil Empire’.
Russophobia is now like a disease in full bloom, sometimes going into remission but so far never eradicated. Russia seems to be fully aware of the psychological state of the West. So, only time will tell how this sorry mess, 100% created by successive US administations all the way back to Truman, ends.
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